Thursday, June 24, 2010

Methadone, Marriage & Momentum

Ahhhh, I too finished my 5010 today. Well, officially it ended today, but technically I ended yesterday. I decided to skip today to keep preparing for Tanzania and to watch movies with my girlfriends. Heheh.

And what did I learn from my 5010? Opiate drug addictions suck. Really. If you enroll in the methadone program, you come in twice a week for a urine tox screen and doctor's visit, and take daily liquid meth, and you see a counsellor. These docs go through about 30-45 patients in three hours. And there are aaaaall types of personalities. It makes me sad to see young parents come in with their unsuspecting kids -- or maybe they know. Its a scary place. But you can totally tell which people are really trying to turn their lives around; others, not so much. Often its a chicken and egg situation, with pain and opiates. So when you decide that your patient really needs morphine for their pain, and you say, "you can get addicted," you might wanna add what "addicted" means... It's selling your body, or stealing from your friends to sell their stuff for money... its waking up and craving it, and thinking about how you'll get your next hit... and it just consumes your life, so you lose your job, lose your good friends, and its hard to get out of. But possible!! Anyways, that was my experience at the methodone clinic - very interesting, and also kinda sad. Kept seeing more and more interesting characters at the homeless clinic too - again, intriguing and sad.

On a happier note, Lauratt wedding was lovely!! Lauren was stunning, and Matt was welcome. Hahah... Lauren's dad presented Matt with a "Welcome Mat." Hah, get it?! Matt also gave a beautiful speech; the kind of speech that makes all the girls in the room cry. It was a wonderful afternoon and evening, and again I wish the newlyweds a wonderful life together - to both Lauratt and Starmin. Unfortunately Kim didn't catch the bouquet, in case you were wondering.

Finally, I went on my second skydive this past Sunday... with my mom and brother!! I was pretty impressed with how calm my mother was. And, even though it was my second time, I was a bit more scared scurrred. The responsibility of counting down your own jump, making turns and dives, and pulling your own parachute (and that of your tandem instructor), really got to me and freaked me out, especially right at the door. But I survived, and it was awesome! If you haven't done it, you should go!!!

So, that's my little update. Getting ready for one of my best friend's wedding, and Tanzania in three days. THREE. It kinda freaks me out.

Can't wait to hear more stories from the rest of you!!!

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