Monday, June 28, 2010

Hey everyone!

Me and Adam are in the airport in Lisbon waiting to board our flight to Madrid. Portugal is amazing, I honestly don't have enough good things to say about it here. The weather is ideal, the beaches are beautiful and there are soooo many things to do. The only thing I would say is that Portugal is not known for the food and there is a reason, they don't really know how to cook here, but everything else is so awesome that it didn't really matter. My favorite part was this day trip to Sintra. It was like walking into a fairy tale, even Hans Christian Anderson used to go there to write. The place is filled with castles and palaces working their way up this winding mountain. One palace, which was apparently just a summer home had the most amazing grounds. They had this huge well you could walk down into that led to underground caves. They also had a lake attached to a underground labyrinth. On top of the mountain were a moorish castles and then another palace which was absolutely enormous and had the most amazing architecture. Anyways, the trip is starting off well and I can't wait for the next adventure. I admire you 5010ers, I remember all of that from my emerg rotation Fatima. It was absolutely exhausting! Anyways can't wait to see everyone in September!

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